

Smiling student

At Rose State, small class size means you're a person, not a number.

Two students watching a 3D printer in the FabLab

"Students at four-year universities don’t realize for the first two years they're going to sit on the bench. At Rose, hands-on learning starts on day one."

— Rose State Faculty Member
Mathematics professor explaining work shown on a chalkboard

"We have the highest-quality instruction across the board – online, everything."

— Rose State Dean
Respiratory students and professor viewing chest xrays

"We have fantastic faculty – in fact, we have faculty. Not graduate assistants."

— Rose State Dean

Faculty & Staff

Adjunct Faculty

Remote Outlook Access

At that link, look for "Outlook" in the left-hand side.

Click outlook

Adjunct Class Fee Benefits

As current fiscal year budget permits, Rose State College will pay 100 percent of the general enrollment fee for up to three (3) credit hours per regular semester and three (3) credit hours per summer term for adjunct professors who are assigned at least three (3) equated credit hours for instruction in that semester or summer term and who have instructed in at least two previous semesters or summer terms at Rose State College. This benefit does not apply to repeated courses or extend to family members.

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Adjunct Faculty Handbook

Your associate dean is your direct source of information; however, an Adjunct Faculty Handbook is also available online to provide answers to questions from grading policies to emergency procedure policies. It is imperative that adjunct faculty become familiar with this document. Adjunct Faculty Handbook (PDF)

Adjunct Leave

The faculty member must notify the dean or associate dean as early as possible about a planned absence. No classes are dismissed without the permission of the dean or associate dean.

Outlook Signature Standards

All employees are to follow the standards for content and formatting of an Outlook signature using the RSC logo and tag line.  Particularly, use of quotes and sayings as well as other graphic elements are prohibited.  View instructions/guidelines for an Outlook signature (PDF.